6175 Sunrise Highway, Massapequa, NY 11758

Negative Pressure Therapy (VAC)

Negative Pressure Therapy (VAC)

Negative pressure wound therapy is a technique used to stimulate the healing of wounds. The therapy is performed with a negative pressure device (vacuum, pump), which removes excess fluid and decreases inflammation, allowing healthy tissue and blood vessels to grow while lowering the chance of infection.

What types of wounds can VAC Therapy help?

Advanced Wound Dressing in Long Island New York

Negative Pressure Therapy is an excellent tool for various ulcers including diabetic, venous insufficiency, as well as traumatic wounds.

How does VAC Therapy Work?

VAC Therapy utilizes a vacuum device to create negative pressure on a wound to clean the wound bed and remove excess fluid.  A special foam pad is placed on or around the wound. Over the foam, a thin clear dressing seals the wound to create an airtight lock. Attached to the foam is a tube that transports the fluid and wastes out of the wound via suction created by the vacuum. This treatment decreases edema, compresses the wound, and facilitates the growth of new healthy tissue and blood vessels. 

Macrodeformation: Macrodeformation is induced wound shrinkage, it occurs when the suction from the vacuum causes pores in the skin to collapse.

Microdeformation: Microdeformation is a change to porous material on a microscopic level causing swelling around the surface of the wound.

Fluid removal: Removing excess fluid that has accumulated around the wound, helps to facilitate healing by alleviating pressure.

Alteration of the wound environment: VAC therapy allows the wound to require fewer changes to the dressing, allowing the wound to remain moist and contaminant free.